MoTee Rambles
There's no forgiving BORING.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Back at It

After what I comfort myself by saying is an understandable 6-month hiatus from this blog so that I could return home to the San Francisco Bay Area, find a place to live, get a job, and resettle into a life of familiarity and comfort among all my favorite things, a confluence of events has started me back on this path of chronicling my meandering and multi-claused thoughts. I'm financially comfortable now after an impoverished re-entry into my lavish American lifestyle so no longer have to hustle up money and thus have more time on my hands. I recently reconnected with someone I've known for a few years whose writing I've always enjoyed, and he encouraged me to get back to blogging despite my new life of uninteresting bliss back in my element. And, I'm getting tired of only presenting any little witticisms I have in quickies on Facebook. It's too small an audience. It's too scattered across all of my friends' Facebook pages. So, I'm back. Here.

I realized that I used my travels in Europe last year as an excuse to blog, because it was the thing that made me interesting and gave me something to talk about without exposing too much of my more personal musings. It shames me that I didn't think my personal musings were worth posting online when any number of illiterate asses with a broadband connection will create their own websites dedicated to some lame obsession of theirs and post all over the web with their bad grammar and poor punctuation and overuse of little initials (NOT acronyms, dammit!) like LOL and IMHO. It shames me that I needed a gimmick to open myself up in this public forum when I'm always verbally pounding away at my family and friends about the importance of being honest about your thoughts and emotions and sharing more. There's nothing wrong with talking about the pubradio job I got 2 months ago that I love, the cute apartment with wood floors and great natural light I now live in on the north side of Lake Merritt, or how I enjoy going to all my favorite places around the Bay with all my favorite peeps. Bliss can be interesting too.

Okay, fine. The money is now where the mouth is. For every blog entry I write from today onwards, I'm putting a dollar into a piggy bank and then doing something REALLY GOOD with that money when I've amassed a bunch of dollars after another year of blogging. I'm paying MYSELF for posting to my own blog! HA!

So, on this warm and glorious weekend in the Bay, what things, great and small, have I honed my senses to in the world around me so that I might take an interest? The vertical blinds waving and clapping against each other in the breeze coming through my bedroom window keep reminding me that I need to get outside and move around. One cannot enjoy the weekend by laptop alone. I'm putting on a skirt and enjoying the sunshine now.

1 comment:

Mike Janssen said...

Right on -- I like your motivational plan. :)